Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Big Government = Less Freedom ( Signs,Symptoms and Solutions )

 In today's world we are inundated with regulations. Laws that tell private citizens or businessmen what they can or cannot do. We also have a very large amount of government agencies to enforce and ensure these regulations are being followed ...
 Back in the year 1936 the Federal Register,which is the main source for regulations for U.S. Government agencies, was 2,600 pages long. That is a page count almost large enough to read the novel War and Peace, a truly enormous novel for those who are unfamiliar, twice, ( about 200 pages shy.)
 Since the year that the register began in 1936 the amount of regulations has grown in unbelievable amounts. In just the year 2013 alone, The Obama Administration added 80,000 pages to the Federal Register.
 Over the last 20 or so years our government has added at least 60,000 pages a year. A total amount since the year of 1993 is just shy of 1.43 million pages have been added to The Register. This averages out to 256 pages a day. Now this is not a count of laws or regulations as some regulations are more than one page but it is pretty close. If we try for a visual representation of how many pages that would be just since 1993, the stack of average everyday printer style paper would be 476 feet tall.That is the same height as the Virgin Hotel in NYC.
  So why do we have so many regulations?

  Are so many regulations for the good of society or is this an example of executive overreach?

 Before I begin my anti-big government tirade, let's get an great overview from one of my favorite Libertarian journalists,John Stossel about what I will be discussing in this post....

 Now,one has to assume that not all these regulations are truly necessary are they? What exactly has been added to the Federal Register since 1936 that affects our lives?

 Let's take a look at some different areas of life and the new laws that have been put into place and views to see if these laws actually help the American people or if they hinder us from our rights and create frustrating barriers for small business entrepreneurs...
~ The above video is awesome for describing how regulation compliance affects every consumer and businessman across the board.~
Some very good videos describing how government regulation affects the overall economy is...

Now that we have touched on some ares in which regulation plays a crucial role in economics and how rules,taxes and regulations affect what we pay for goods and how accessible (frustrating) starting a small business is.Lets take a look at some regulations that are actually in the Federal Register or State laws,soaking up our tax dollars, that I'm sure will make you go WTF?? 
is a great article to begin investigating the outrageous laws that government has put on the books. This certainly does set quite an example of how overburdened by regulations we have become. Along with the following videos....
 Now we do have to realize that all this regulation costs a decent sum of money to implement and enforce. Where does most of this money come from? The tax payers of America.

 Although I do find it true that we do need a certain amount of regulation for criminals and rules of justice, this previous videos and article shows how far reaching our government has become. Many will argue that it is for the good of the people that we have so many regulations. That these rules are needed to save us from bad things but truly this is not as it should be.We obviously,with the sheer enormity or rules and regulations,must be breaking laws that we don't consciously know about. And we do.

 So we obviously have a huge problem with the scope and infiltration of government into our lives. Our prisons are overfull to more than maximum capacity because of the volume of laws and regulations in this country. Many are incarcerated for petty, victimless crimes.

  No one here thinks that we don't need any rules, a basic set of rules are needed to govern the people and rule in property disputes and anywhere that a citizens rights have been violated and punish accordingly.Government exists to protect the rights of every individual including life, liberty and property.Criminal laws should be limited to violation of the rights of others through force or fraud, or deliberate actions that place others involuntarily at significant risk of harm. Also government should support restitution to the victim to the fullest degree possible at the expense of the criminal or the negligent wrongdoer.The rights of due process, a speedy trial, legal counsel, trial by jury, and the legal presumption of innocence until proven guilty, must not be denied. It is also important to  assert the common-law right of juries to judge not only the facts but also the justice of the law.
 As well as a proper role for government in the economic realm should be to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected.
  Outside of this scope there may be some very minor variables, but for the most part,government should not be involved.  If this was the case, much of the Federal Register would disappear and people would be free to do as they wished in their personal and business lives, as long as no one is harmed,without interference from the government.It is with that end that we, as a people, should be governed.
 Yes, there is such an idea as Self Regulation,even though it may sound scary to actually watch out for ourselves, it is 100 times more free and liberating than a Nanny State watching over our every move.

 In conclusion, over regulation costs the consumer much more in the marketplace. A good example of this is found here...
  These rules cost small businesses many dollars to comply with government regulations. A good article, and a PDF data sheet from the U.S Small Business Association from 2008 can be found here..
 It is apparently obvious to me that government needs to be minimized. We cannot possibly over burden ourselves with over regulation and still be free. A law enforcement officer could, at any time, come to your home and find you in violation of many laws, forcing you to pay a fine or serve jail time if found guilty of breaking some weak regulation.
 Government needs to be scaled back to it's original intention of governing a free people,holding that all individuals have the right to exercise sole governance over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever way they choose.No government grant should be granted the right to regulate the lives of individuals and seize the fruits of their labor without their consent and should not interfere with voluntary and contractual obligations between individuals.
  People should be left free by government to deal with one another as free traders; and the resulting economic system, the only one compatible with the protection of individual rights, is the free market.

Sincerely,if all these rules of life and value are followed, the massively far reaching government and it's over regulation of our lives would be reduced to a level of governance that is reminiscent of the government of our founding fathers, who truly knew the value of freedom. Thus vastly decreasing governments roles in our lives and reducing the Federal Register to a logical and liberty minded level.

 ~ P.S.~ I do realize there is much more to this topic than what was presented, however when dealing with the scope of government, one has to reign in on certain topics. I prefer to stay in the layman's realm of topics. Things that affect our lives everyday. Corporate Welfare and Lobbyists be damned, but have no fear, they will get equal time in this blog at a later date ~


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